Michael Clyne is Professorial Fellow in Linguistics and Director of the Research Unit for Multilingualism and Cross-Cultural Communication at the University of Melbourne. His books include Language and Society in German-Speaking Countries (Cambridge, 1984), Community Languages: the Australian Experience (Cambridge, 1991), Pluricentric Languages (1992), The German Language in a Changing Europe (Cambridge, 1995), and Intercultural Communication at Work (Cambridge, 1995).
List of map and figures
List of tables
Series editor's foreword
List of abbreviations
1. Introduction
2. Dynamics of language shift
3. On models and terms
4. Dynamics of convergence and transference
5. Dynamics of transversion
6. Dynamics of plurilingual processing
7. Dynamics of cultural values in contact discourse
8. Towards a synthesis
Index of authors
Index of languages
Index of subjects.