Earth 2 is a short-lived science fiction television series which aired on NBC from November 6, 1994 to June 4, 1995. The show was canceled after one season of 22 episodes. It followed the journey and settlement of a small expeditionary group called the Eden Project, with the intent to journey to an Earth-like planet called G889 in an attempt to find a cure to an illness called the Syndrome. The series was created by Michael Duggan, Carol Flint, Mark Levin, and Billy Ray, produced by Amblin Entertainment and NBC Universal Television Studio, and filmed primarily in northern New Mexico around the Santa Fe area. The series' music was composed by David Bergeaud, and the executive producers were Michael Duggan, Mark Levin, and Carol Flint. Initially, the show's audience was reasonably good, reaching eighth place; however, by April 23 of the next year, viewership had dropped to 9%. During its run, it had been nominated for a Primetime Emmy, Saturn, and other awards. The overarching plotof the show and various individual elements within the show helped explore the Gaia hypothesis. In 2005, the entire series was released on DVD in a 4-disc set.
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