Eastwick is an American television drama series created by Maggie Friedman. The series is a television adaptation of the John Updike novel, The Witches of Eastwick. The show aired on ABC and was produced by Warner Bros. The show premiered on September 23, 2009 at 10:00PM Eastern/9:00PM Central. The show followed the lives of three strangers, Roxanne, Joanna and Kat, who meet at a wishing fountain and soon become friends. A mysterious man named Darryl Van Horne had moved to Eastwick and had plans for the women, and befriended them. Even more dangerous, he unleashed their supernatural powers, and their true potential. By igniting their hearts' desires, he might just have opened Pandora's box. On November 9, 2009, ABC declined to order any additional episodes of Eastwick, effectively cancelling the series. The remaining ordered episodes were still slated to air, starting back on November 25, 2009. However, in early December, it was officially announced by ABC that Ugly Betty would be moving from Friday nights to Eastwick's time slot on Wednesdays starting on January 6, 2010.