In the village of Osinemor, the revered high priest, Pa Oduduwa, passes away, leaving Osagioduwa as the last heir to the ancient Ighele tradition. The community, deeply tied to their ancestral gods and spiritual practices, prepares for a grand burial ceremony, honoring their fallen gods through rituals and sacrifices. However, the arrival of Balogun, a young Christian preacher claiming to be sent by God, disrupts the sacred proceedings. Balogun boldly challenges the village's beliefs, declaring that the gods they serve are "fallen" and powerless compared to the Almighty God he represents. Osagioduwa, the newly anointed spiritual leader, feels threatened by Balogun's presence and calls on the gods to strike him down. When his prayers go unanswered, the villagers begin to question their faith, and confusion spreads as Balogun's prayer causes the shrine's guards to turn against one another. The chaos reveals cracks in the foundation of the village's belief system. As the story unfolds, Pa Alumele, an elder of the village, recognizes Balogun as the fulfillment of a long-held prophecy-the arrival of a supreme power. This revelation forces the community to confront the tension between their traditional beliefs and the new faith Balogun preaches. In the end, the novel explores themes of faith, power, and cultural transformation as Osinemor faces a crossroads between its past and an uncertain future.
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