This book aims to introduce a sustainable model, provides a proactive approach to minimize the adverse impacts of the environmental problems before its occurrence; it is an alternative to the present and traditional development model which is lead to natural resources depletion and degradation of life and air quality. The need for sustainable model requires more than clean up the existing pollution. The traditional environmental protection by capturing wastes at the end-of-pipe (EoP) by disposal is neither ecologically nor economically viable. Governmental enforcement of pollution control regulations on big companies may be effective in some cases. Nevertheless, the enforcement for the small and medium scale industries (SME), may lead to migrate to another area, or carry out same business behind the law and simply displace the problem elsewhere. The proposed model based on evaluating of 15th worldwide initiatives for the industrial sector in Asia, Europe, United States and Australia. The proposed model is verified on the 10th of Ramadan City (10RC). The verification processes exclusively include the industrial area designated to heavy and a large-scale industry.