Tree clearing was practised for greater beef
production and hence monetary gains from grazing
systems of central Queensland (given the high rates
of clearing even recently (577, 000
ha/yr during 1999-2001). The sustainability of
cleared pasture
systems over the long-term is questioned.
Three major types of tree communities i.e.
Eucalyptus populnea F. Muell., E. melanophloia F.
Muell. and Acacia harpophylla F. Muell. ex. Benth.
were selected on one property in central Queensland
to quantify the impacts of clearing on pasture
production and composition, and soil properties. The
impacts were measured over time-since-clearing
(recent (5 years), medium (11-13years) and old ( 30
years)) in unreplicated cleared pastures in
comparison to their replicated uncleared/intact
woodland pastures of each tree community.
Pasture yield was not sustainable over the long-
term. Moreover, the changes in some soil properties
underscored the associated risks and changes in
ecosystem functions due to clearing. The overall
effect of clearing in terms of pasture and litter
production, and major soil parameters were analysed
using multivariate analyses.
production and hence monetary gains from grazing
systems of central Queensland (given the high rates
of clearing even recently (577, 000
ha/yr during 1999-2001). The sustainability of
cleared pasture
systems over the long-term is questioned.
Three major types of tree communities i.e.
Eucalyptus populnea F. Muell., E. melanophloia F.
Muell. and Acacia harpophylla F. Muell. ex. Benth.
were selected on one property in central Queensland
to quantify the impacts of clearing on pasture
production and composition, and soil properties. The
impacts were measured over time-since-clearing
(recent (5 years), medium (11-13years) and old ( 30
years)) in unreplicated cleared pastures in
comparison to their replicated uncleared/intact
woodland pastures of each tree community.
Pasture yield was not sustainable over the long-
term. Moreover, the changes in some soil properties
underscored the associated risks and changes in
ecosystem functions due to clearing. The overall
effect of clearing in terms of pasture and litter
production, and major soil parameters were analysed
using multivariate analyses.