Gavin Mooney is Professor of Public Health at the University of Sydney. Prof Richard Scotton is an architect of the Medicare system, currently with the Centre of Health Program Evaluation and Monash University.
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of contributors
1 Health economics and health policy: Gavin Mooney
2 The Australian health care system: Ron Donato and Richard Scotton
3 Health expenditure: J.R.G. Butler
4 The doctor business: Richard Scotton
5 Economics of hospital care: S.J. Duckett
6 Pharmaceuticals: Glenn Salkeld, Andrew Mitchell and Suzanne Hill
7 The economics of aged care: achieving quality and containing costs: Anna
8 Evaluation of health services: Rob Carter and Anthony Harris
9 Health insurance: H. Owens
10 The health care financing debate: J. Richardson
11 Managed competition: Richard Scotton
12 Public health: some economic perpectives: Alan Shiell and Rob Carter
13 Economic issues in Aboriginal health care: Gavin Mooney, Stephen Jan and
Virginia Wiseman