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Table of contents:
... Introduction.
About This Book.
Conventions Used in This Book.
What You're Not to Read.
Foolish Assumptions.
How This Book Is Organized.
Part I: Economics -- The Science of How People Deal with Scarcity.
Part II: Macroeconomics -- The Science of Economic Growth and Stability.
Part III: Microeconomics -- The Science of Consumer and Firm Behavior.
Part IV: The Part of Tens.
Icons Used in This Book.
Where to Go from Here.
Part I: Economics -- The Science of How People
Chapter 1: What Does Economics Study? And Why Should You

Table of contents:
... Introduction.

About This Book.

Conventions Used in This Book.

What You're Not to Read.

Foolish Assumptions.

How This Book Is Organized.

Part I: Economics -- The Science of How People Deal with Scarcity.

Part II: Macroeconomics -- The Science of Economic Growth and Stability.

Part III: Microeconomics -- The Science of Consumer and Firm Behavior.

Part IV: The Part of Tens.

Icons Used in This Book.

Where to Go from Here.

Part I: Economics -- The Science of How People

Chapter 1: What Does Economics Study? And Why Should You Care?

Chapter 2: Butter or marge? Tracking Consumer Choices.

Chapter 3: Producing the Right Stuff the Right Way to Maximize Human Happiness.

Part II: Macroeconomics -- The Science of Economic Growth and Stability.

Chapter 4: Measuring the Macroeconomy: How Economists Keep Track of Everything.

Chapter 5: Inflation Frustration: Why More Money Isn't Always a Good Thing.

Chapter 6: Understanding Why Recessions Happen.

Chapter 7: Fighting Recessions with Monetary

Part III: Microeconomics -- The Science of Consumer and Firm Behavior.

Chapter 8: Supply and Demand Made Easy.

Chapter 9: Getting to Know Homo Economicus, the Utility-Maximizing Consumer.

Chapter 10: The Core of Capitalism:

Chapter 11: Why Economists Love Free Markets and Competition.

Chapter 12: Monopolies: How Badly Would You Behave If You Had No Competition?

Chapter 13: Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition: Middle Grounds.

Chapter 14: Property Rights and Wrongs.

Chapter 15: Market Failure: Asymmetric Information and Public Goods.

Part IV: The Part of Tens.

Chapter 16: Ten (Or So) Famous Economists.

Chapter 17: Ten Seductive Economic Fallacies.

Chapter 18: Ten Economic Ideas to Hold Dear.

Appendix: Glossary.

Index. (20061222)
Sean M. Flynn studierte VWL bei den Nobelpreis-Trägern George Akerlof und Daniel McFadden. Zurzeit arbeitet er als Assistant Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre am Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York.