Milk procurement is the base of dairy industry on which efficiency and development of dairy industry lies. The economic efficiency of milk procurement is heavily dependent upon various operations namely collection, transportation and chilling of milk. This book has been presented in six chapters. First chapter presents statement of the problem and objectives of the study. Chapter 2 provides a brief review of the work in the field of cost of collection, cost of transportation, cost of chilling, employment pattern and seasonal variation in milk procurement. Chapter 3 explains the sampling procedure and analytical framework employed in this study. Fourth chapter describes background and history of the selected dairy plant. The results obtained in this study has been presented and discussed in chapter five. The final chapter summarizes the main findings ,conclusions and policy implications. This book is exceptionally valuable to elucidate the various economic aspects of milk procurement for the target groups viz. students, teachers, scientists, planners, procurement managers, policy makers, administrators, researchers and others who are concerned with development of dairy industry.