Television being a multi-dimensional medium of communication possesses, unique qualities and capabilities for influencing education.It is a versatile and dynamic Audio visual device which broadens the intellectual horizon of both the teachers and students from time to time.Educational Television denotes any television which is used for imparting education of the community.It includes programs whose primary interest is to educate rather than entertain.It is directly related to an organized program of formal instruction.Its communication is very much effective because it can bring very good demonstration and audio visual materials to the classroom.Concrete nature of ETV makes some program understandable and appealing to wide variety of age group of people.The proper use of Educational television provides new incentives for students to assume more responsibility for learning.It is also a fact that effective television teaching demands more preparation and assistance of specialized personnel than does conventional instruction.ETV has the potentiality of creating interest and motivation in students.Instructional Television makes educational opportunities equal throughout the countries.