This study evaluated the effect of periodontal therapy on mucous membrane thickening in maxillary sinus in chronic periodontitis patients using (RVG) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The study population included 30 patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis, exhibiting bilateral mucosal thickening of maxillary sinus. The selected sites were randomly assigned to Group I (control group - not receiving periodontal therapy) and Group II (test group - receiving periodontal therapy). The clinical parameters and mucosal thickening of the maxillary sinus were evaluated at baseline and after 9 months. There was a significant decrease in the PPD, CAL as well as mucosal thickening in Group II while, Group I showed an increase in these parameters. In Group II at the end of 9 months the mean mucosal thickening reduction as assessed by CBCT was 0.76±0.18, 0.73±0.24, 0.88±0.42 and 1.13±0.43 mm at the most anterior point (AP), the most posterior point (PP), the mid-point (MP), pointof maximum thickness (MT) as well as in the length of the thickened mucosal lining, respectively. The results of our study indicated a reduction in the mucosa.