This research based publication has been published in order to analyze the status of poor, women and dalits , and their representation in executive committee. The main thrust of the study was to assess the effectiveness and representation of poor, women and dalits in executive committee in term of process and achievement. This study also reviews the effectiveness and representation of programs and activities conducted so far by the Buffer Zone User Committee in the name of poor, women and dalits. These groups are socially marginalized and backwarded not only in Nepal but also the most of the South Asian countries. In this research, both qualititative and quantitative technique has been systematically analyzed. Participatory Wealth Being Ranking ( PWBR), discussion with community members, direct observation, questionnaire survey, key informant`s survey were used as a primary data collection. Along with data collection, various powerful tools ( Index of Perceived Availability ( IPA), Index of Relative Ranking( IRR) and Effectiveness analysis and Management effectiveness Profile System ( MEPS)) have been carefully analyzed.