This descriptive, quantitative study examined the
effects of participation in a 1-year Early Start
Preschool Program in the United States for 4-year-
olds in a state that requires annual testing at the
end of select grades. This study focused primarily
on achievement through grade 3. As no study has
evaluated the effectiveness of the program, this
research examined whether it has positively affected
the results of the end-of-year tests.The results of
this study determined that this program does not
positively affect achievement in English and
mathematics through 3rd grade. These findings could
be used to modify the program to better meet the
needs of children and justifies advocacy for
children through social justice by providing
conclusive evidence that an academically-focused
preschool program does not meet the academic needs
of young children and their families.
effects of participation in a 1-year Early Start
Preschool Program in the United States for 4-year-
olds in a state that requires annual testing at the
end of select grades. This study focused primarily
on achievement through grade 3. As no study has
evaluated the effectiveness of the program, this
research examined whether it has positively affected
the results of the end-of-year tests.The results of
this study determined that this program does not
positively affect achievement in English and
mathematics through 3rd grade. These findings could
be used to modify the program to better meet the
needs of children and justifies advocacy for
children through social justice by providing
conclusive evidence that an academically-focused
preschool program does not meet the academic needs
of young children and their families.