Elements of secular English literature have an impact on what Adventist Education system seeks to inculcate in students. This is because what secular literature teaches negates the philosophy of the Adventist education, which is an indication that there exists an antagonistic relationship. This antagonistic relationship, if unchecked can undo basic tenets that Adventist education stands for. Solusi University as an Adventist institution has an important function as the keeper and nurturer of the Adventist students within its spheres of influence. It may undo its wholistic approach to Christian education by allowing the learning of literary concepts that question its existence. Solusi University exists to promote and transform the spiritual ideals, beliefs, attitudes, and values of the church. Unconsciously the secular English literature classes, at Solusi University may have been breeding anti-Christian attitudes in Adventist students under its auspice. The study carried out a descriptive research to find out the influence of knowledge of secular literature on the attitude of students toward Adventist Philosophy of Education.