Teamwork in Corporate Real Estate (CRE) is a prerequisite. Construction project team consists with various sub teams and design team in CRE sector could be considered as utmost important sub team which has an influence on project success. Authors on construction literature has pointed out the significance of adaptation of excellent team-working practices within CRE or indeed in sub-sectors or segments such as design organizations to boost the construction projects performance in CRE. Concept of team role is seen as something that is connected with team performance. Among numerous team role theories available, team role framework of Belbin's (1993) is perhaps one of the largely well known and widely used theories at present. However, CRE literature has provided slight consideration in regard to team role theory which is actually useful to perk up the team performance and it is for the most part, a novel area to Sri Lankan CRE context. Therefore, this study explored "how balance ofteam roles affects the performance of design teams while considering how design teams are formed and how team roles exist in design teams".