Im vorliegenden Band wird Husserls 1920 erstmals gehaltene und 1924 wiederholte Vorlesung über Ethik veröffentlicht. In ihr wendet sich Husserl nach einer systematischen Bestimmung des Begriffs der Ethik einer kritischen Darstellung der Geschichte der Ethik zu. Diese Darstellung ist am Gegensatz von Rationalismus und Empirismus orientiert, der sich in der Ethik in den gegensätzlichen Ansätzen der Verstandes- und Gefühlsmoralisten zeigt. Im Rahmen einer Auseinandersetzung mit klassischen Positionen aus der Geschichte der Ethik versucht Husserl, die Grundlagen seiner eigenen Ethik zu gewinnen und darin die traditionellen Gegenüberstellungen zu versöhnen. So steht für Husserl die Gefühlsgrundlage der Moral nicht im Widerspruch zur Idee eines absoluten Sollens, an der Husserl im Anschluss an Kant und Fichte festhält. Husserls Ausführungen gipfeln in dem Ideal eines universalen vernunftbestimmten Willenslebens, in dem alle Aktsetzungen endgültig zu rechtfertigen wären.
Zur Vorlesung gehört ein umfangreicher Exkurs, in dem Husserl durch eine phänomenologische Analyse des Unterschieds zwischen Sach- und Normbegriffen den wissenschaftstheoretischen Charakter der Ethik als normativer Geisteswissenschaft bestimmt.
Zur Vorlesung gehört ein umfangreicher Exkurs, in dem Husserl durch eine phänomenologische Analyse des Unterschieds zwischen Sach- und Normbegriffen den wissenschaftstheoretischen Charakter der Ethik als normativer Geisteswissenschaft bestimmt.
From the reviews of the first edition:
"In this volume we have Husserl's lectures on ethics ... . The editor, Henning Peuker, has provided the reader with a very good introduction and the footnotes he has supplied are often helpful in regard to historical details. ... the Editor informs us that, for all practical purposes, the division of the books into chapters and paragraphs, with their corresponding headings are his own work, based on his judgements of what the material is about. I found these both illuminating and accurate." (James G. Hart, Husserl Studies, Vol. 22, 2006)
From the reviews of the first edition:
"In this volume we have Husserl's lectures on ethics ... . The editor, Henning Peuker, has provided the reader with a very good introduction and the footnotes he has supplied are often helpful in regard to historical details. ... the Editor informs us that, for all practical purposes, the division of the books into chapters and paragraphs, with their corresponding headings are his own work, based on his judgements of what the material is about. I found these both illuminating and accurate." (James G. Hart, Husserl Studies, Vol. 22, 2006)
"In this volume we have Husserl's lectures on ethics ... . The editor, Henning Peuker, has provided the reader with a very good introduction and the footnotes he has supplied are often helpful in regard to historical details. ... the Editor informs us that, for all practical purposes, the division of the books into chapters and paragraphs, with their corresponding headings are his own work, based on his judgements of what the material is about. I found these both illuminating and accurate." (James G. Hart, Husserl Studies, Vol. 22, 2006)
From the reviews of the first edition:
"In this volume we have Husserl's lectures on ethics ... . The editor, Henning Peuker, has provided the reader with a very good introduction and the footnotes he has supplied are often helpful in regard to historical details. ... the Editor informs us that, for all practical purposes, the division of the books into chapters and paragraphs, with their corresponding headings are his own work, based on his judgements of what the material is about. I found these both illuminating and accurate." (James G. Hart, Husserl Studies, Vol. 22, 2006)