III-nitride semiconductor materials, specially gallium nitride (GaN), have attracted significantly in the fabrication of high power, high frequency and high temperature devices such as metal/oxide/semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETS), heterojunction field effect transistors (HFET's) and high electron mobility transistors (HEMT's). However, metal/semiconductor (MS) junctions in these devices may suffer from high leakage-current and low break-down voltage, which limits the device performance, reliability and stability. This could restrain by employing a thin insulator/interlayer between the metal and semiconductor. The formation of high-quality Schottky junctions with low-leakage current and low ideality factor by insertion of a thin insulator/interlayer in the middle of the metal and semiconductor is challenging task. Hence, the detailed investigations are prerequisite on the formation of a thin insulator/interlayer in the middle of the metal and semiconductor to achieve high barrier height with low ideality factor and good thermal stability.
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