In an era where customers confidence in the Financial Systems left much to be desired; the stock markets had crashed, fraud in banking was rife, the global markets were in turmoil, mortgage lenders from the U.K. through to the US were affected. Electronic Banking adoption provided the perfect silver lining, reducing queues, overheads, audit trails, convenience, real time reporting amongst other broad based benefits like better customer service, Increased bottom line, sophisticated products and offerings, specialized banking services were made available to the burgeoning SME space. Some banks in Nigeria were quick to adopt and naturally the laggards missed the opportunity. Today the early adopters are enjoying the benefits of scale while the latter battle for efficiency and cost savings employing savage means like down sizing to buffer losses. Electronic banking is here to stay, thanks largely due to globalization; my discussion looks at the impact of electronic banking in a developing economy and preaches for the further penetration and adoption of these channels. Banks are continually evolving and continuous leverage on technology will be the difference and collaboration.