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After the death of his landlord, with whom he had a handshake agreement rather than a lease, clarinetist Ike Morphy, his dog Herbie Mann, and the pair of pigeons roosting on his air conditioner are about to be evicted by the landlord's son, who sees only the money he can make in Manhattan's lucrative real-estate market.

After the death of his landlord, with whom he had a handshake agreement rather than a lease, clarinetist Ike Morphy, his dog Herbie Mann, and the pair of pigeons roosting on his air conditioner are about to be evicted by the landlord's son, who sees only the money he can make in Manhattan's lucrative real-estate market.
Adam Langer wurde 1967 in Chicago geboren. Er ist Journalist, Bühnenautor und Filmemacher. Nach einem Literaturstudium in Vassar und an der University of Illinois arbeitete er u.a. als Schauspieler, Komödiant und Radioproduzent. Nebenbei unterrichtete er an diversen Schulen und Universitäten. Heute ist er Chefredakteur des "Book Magazine". Er lebt mal in New York, mal in Bloomington, Indiana. "Crossing California" ist sein erster Roman.