Der vorliegende erste Teilband zu empirischer Unterrichtsforschung im Forschungsbereich DaFZ fokussiert auf Gegenstände und methodologische Zugänge. Die Beiträge konzentrieren sich zum einen auf linguistische Interaktionsanalysen im unterrichtlichen Handlungskontext, insbesondere auf den Fremdsprachenunterricht als Diskurstyp sui generis sowie phasen-, lernziel- und rollenspezifische Sprachhandlungen und Interaktionsmuster. Zum anderen steht die Professionalisierung im Fokus. Empirische Forschungsbefunde werden in die Unterrichtspraxis und in lehrer:innenbildende Studiengänge übertragen. Darüber hinaus werden methodologische Zugänge in den Blick genommen und in Hinblick auf qualitative und quantitative Ansätze empirischer Unterrichtsforschung, Datenerhebungs- und -auswertungsmethoden und Umgang mit Datenrepositorien untersucht.
The first volume on empirical classroom studies in German as a second and foreign language focusses on practices and methodological approaches. The contributions concentrate not only on linguistic interactional analyses in the context of teaching but also on foreign language education as a discourse type sui generis, phases, learning goals and roles in language activities as well as interactional patterns. Besides, it focuses on professionalization. Empirical studies are being implemented in educational practices and academic courses for future teachers. In addition, the volume focuses on methodological approaches which are being analysed with regard to qualitative and quantitative approaches of empirical classroom studies, data collection and evaluation methods and the handling of data repositories.
The first volume on empirical classroom studies in German as a second and foreign language focusses on practices and methodological approaches. The contributions concentrate not only on linguistic interactional analyses in the context of teaching but also on foreign language education as a discourse type sui generis, phases, learning goals and roles in language activities as well as interactional patterns. Besides, it focuses on professionalization. Empirical studies are being implemented in educational practices and academic courses for future teachers. In addition, the volume focuses on methodological approaches which are being analysed with regard to qualitative and quantitative approaches of empirical classroom studies, data collection and evaluation methods and the handling of data repositories.