Motivation leads to commitment which also impacts job performance in every organization. The banking industry is competitive and turbulent. For this reason, managers expect more from their employees. However, a bank needs to know how to harness the diversity in its employees to bring the best out of them to enhance productivity at the work place. The objective of the study was to examine the role of motivation and commitment in job performance in an organization. A cross-sectional design is used for the study. The views of Management and Staff were sampled using the purposive sampling method. From the data obtained findings of the study, majority of respondents strongly disagreed that incentives provided enough motivation for them to give their best. It was concluded from the findings of the study that it is obvious that motivation is important to staff members and their ability to perform better for the firm. It was recommended that there is the need to diversify the incentive packages that to serve as motivation for both the staff and management members as well as make efforts to improve salaries, working conditions, job security and job dissatisfaction.