Main description:
The Encyclopedia of Creativity is the sourcebook for individuals seeking specialized information about creativity and motivation. Subjects include theories of creativity, techniques for enhancing creativity, individuals who have made significant contributions to creativity, physiological aspects of creativity, and virtually any topic that touches upon the subject. Entries are placed in alphabetical order with cross-references to other topics and entries where appropriate. Each entry is written in simple easy-to-understand terms summarizing the most important aspects of creative research and writing relating to the specific topic. A bibliography in the back of each article suggests additional sources for more information. The text is visually enhanced throughout by illustrations and photographs.
Key - A source-book of specialized information about creativity and motivation
- Includes virtually any topic dealing with creativity
- Entries are placed in alphabetical order with cross-references
- Written in easy-to-understand terms
- Illustrations and photographs throughout
- Contains select biographies of internationally renowned creative individuals from throughout history
Review quote:
"The text itself is a wealth of informationthe "everything you wanted to know about creativity"-contributed by anyone who is anybody in the field-a sort of Who's Who of creativity studies... As can be seen, the editors have gone to great extremes to make the contents of the encyclopedia unrivaledboth in size and content... In sum, Encyclopedia of Creativity is an impressive work by any standard. We warmly recommend this tour de force publication. It is a must for every university library and it would be the pride of the private library of any scholar."
"The Encyclopedia of Creativity is a highly impressive, collaborative achievement... The wide range of topics are aptly chosen and deftly interwoven by means of extensive cross-referencing and indexing... Unprecedented in breadth and scope, the Encyclopedia of Creativity decisively establishes creativity as an important field in its own right... this work is a resounding success, and decisively establishes creativity as an important multidisciplinary field... Congratulations to the editors, the Executive Advisory Board, and the contributing authors!"
"...this encyclopedia represents a useful effort to bring together research on creativity and will serve undergraduate and graduate students well."
"The stated purpose of the books is to 'inspire further recognition in both the general public and the academic community that the study of creativity is a field in itself' and that 'Enough is now known about creativity that it can be integrated into every level of our educational system' (p.xv). These two volumes certainly should go a long way towards these goals. Whithin them should be something to catch the interests of nearly any reader with a curious mind, the person who is specifically interested in the topic of creativity, and even the casual browser wishing to become better informed about his how thought and that of others."
Table of contents:
J. Nemiro, Acting.
L.M. Cohen and D. Ambrose, Adaptation and Creativity.
S.E. Moriarty and B.A. Robbs, Advertising.
R. Richards, Affective Disorders.
B. Levy and E. Langer, Aging.
S.R. Pritzker, Alcohol and Creativity.
S. Krippner, Altered and Transitional States.
M.D. Mumford and P.P. Porter, Analogies.
S.Z. Dudek, Architecture, Modern Western.
E. Taylor, Archival Investigation.
S.Z. Dudek, Art and Aesthetics.
C. Martindale, Art and Artists.
A. Rothenberg, Articulation.
T. Proctor, Artificial Intelligence.
D. Fasko, Jr., Associative Theory.
G. Toplyn, Attention.
J. Kasof, Attribution and Creativity.
G.J. Feist, Autonomy and Independence.
G.A. Davis, Barriers to Creativity and Creative Attitudes.
R. Epstein and G. Laptosky, Behavioral Approaches to Creativity.
M.E. Gorman, Bell, Alexander Graham.
F.J. Sulloway, Birth Order.
N. Jausovec, Brain Biology and Brain Functioning.
K.H. Pribram, Brain and the Creative Act.
T. Rickards, Brainstorming.
J. VanTassel-Baska, Brontë Sisters.
C.M. Ford, Business Strategy.
D. Morrison, Carroll, Lewis.
P. Machotka, Cezanne, Paul.
D. Schuldberg, Chaos Theory and Creativity.
O. Martinsen and G. Kaufmann, Cognitive Style and Creativity.
J. Abra and G. Abra, Collaboration and Competition.
T.I. Lubart, Componential Models.
T. Proctor, Computer Programs.
J. Dacey, Concepts of Creativity: A History.
D.M. Harrington, Conditions and Settings/Environment.
K.M. Sheldon, Conformity.
B.A. Hennessey and T.M. Amabile, Consensual Assessment.
R.R. McCrae, Consistency of Creativity across the Life Span.
M.A. Runco, Contrarianism.
D.A. Pariser, Conventionality.
C.M. Ford, Corporate Culture.
D.K. Carson, Counseling.
G. Ekvall, Creative Climate.
K. O'Quin and S.P. Besemer, Creative Products.
B. Cramond, Creativity in the Future.
M.L. Grisanti and H.E. Gruber, Creativity in the Moral Domain.
I. Magyari-Beck, Creatology.
R. Brower, Crime and Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Critical Thinking.
M.K. Raina, Cross-Cultural Differences.
B.J. Thurston, Curie, Marie Sklodowska.
J.B. Alter, Dance and Creativity.
R.B. McLaren, Dark Side of Creativity.
R. T. Keegan, Darwin, Charles Robert.
L. Shlain, da Vinci, Leonardo.
A.J. Cropley, Definitions of Creativity.
G. Goldschmidt, Design.
M.A. Runco, Developmental Trends in Creative Abilities and Potentials.
J.A. Plucker and M.A. Runco, Deviance.
B. Yan and P. Arlin, Dialectical Thinking: Implications for Creative Thinking.
S.L. Morrison, Dinesen, Isak.
R. Root-Bernstein, Discovery.
H.J. Walberg and G. Arian, Distribution of Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Divergent Thinking.
G.B. Esquivel and K.M. Peters, Diversity, Cultural.
J. Baer, Domains of Creativity.
S. Krippner, Dreams and Creativity.
J.A. Plucker and R.Q. Dana, Drugs and Creativity.
D.J. Weeks and K. Ward, Eccentricity.
T.I. Lubart and M.A. Runco, Economic Perspective on Creativity.
A.J. Cropley, Education.
A.I. Miller, Einstein, Albert.
D.K. Simonton, Eminence.
S.W. Russ, Emotion/Affect.
J.A. Plucker and M.A. Runco, Enhancement of Creativity.
S.K. Sagarin and H.E. Gruber, Ensemble of Metaphor.
R. Richards, Everyday Creativity.
H.E. Gruber, Evolving Systems Approach.
K.A. Ericsson and A.C. Lehmann, Expertise.
B. Kerr and C. Chopp, Families and Creativity.
R. Richards, Five-Part Typology.
R.A. Dodds and S.M. Smith, Fixation.
B.J. Thurston and M.A. Runco, Flexibility.
R. Richards, Four Ps of Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Fourth Grade Slump.
A.C. Elms, Freud, Sigmund.
J. Baer, Gender Differences.
R. Epstein, Generativity Theory.
C. Martindale, Genetics.
J.F. Feldhusen, Giftedness and Creativity.
P.B. Paulus, Group Creativity.
W.B. Michael, Guilford's View.
W.D. TenHouten, Handwriting and Creativity.
M.D. Mumford and D.G. Norris, Heuristics.
D.K. Simonton, Historiometry.
C. Martindale, History and Creativity.
A.G. Rothenberg, Homospatial Process.
A.G. Aleinikov, Humane Creativity.
K. O'Quin and P. Derks, Humor.
J.C. Houtz and C. Patricola, Imagery.
J.L. Singer, Imagination.
M.A. Runco, Implicit Theories.
R.K. Sawyer, Improvisation.
S.M. Smith and R.A. Dodds, Incubation.
M.A. West and T. Rickards, Innovation.
R.J. Sternberg and J.E. Davidson, Insight.
R. Helson, Institute of Personality Assessment and Research.
R.J. Sternberg, Intelligence.
E. Policastro, Intuition.
M. Hertz, Invention.
A. Rothenberg, Janusian Process.
K. Jones, Jungian Theory.
T.E. Scott, Knowledge.
F.L. Holmes, Krebs, Hans Adolf.
M.D. Mumford and M.S. Connelly, Leadership.
L.A. O'Hara and R.J. Sternberg, Learning Styles.
P.N. Johnson-Laird, Logic and Reasoning.
R.F. Subotnik and K.D. Arnold, Longitudinal Studies.
S.D. Durrenberger, Mad Genius Controversy.
M. Dogan, Marginality.
D.K. Simonton, Matthew Effects.
E. Necka, Memory and Creativity.
N. Jausovec, Metacognition.
R.W. Gibbs, Jr., Metaphors.
M.C. Moldoveanu and E. Langer, Mindfulness.
M.A. Runco, Misjudgment.
E.R. Hirt, Mood.
R. Conti and T. Amabile, Motivation/Drive.
A. Ione, Multiple Discovery.
B. Solomon, K. Powell, and H. Gardner, Multiple Intelligences.
M. Leman, Music.
P.D. Stokes, Novelty.
T. Zausner, O'Keeffe, Georgia.
M.S. Lindauer, Old Age Style.
T. Rickards, Organizations Interested in Creativity.
M.M. Piechowski, Overexcitabilities.
T. Nickles, Paradigm Shifts.
G.J.W. Smith, Perceptgenesis.
G.C. Cupchik, Perception and Creativity.
R. Helson, Personality.
M.A. Runco, Perspectives.
B.D. Esgalhado, Pessoa, Fernando.
H.E. Gruber, Piaget, Jean.
D. Lester, Plath, Sylvia.
J.L. Dansky, Play.
J. Piirto, Poetry.
J.A. Seitz, Political Science and Creativity.
G.R. Brown, Postmodernism and Creativity.
T.E. Heinzen, Proactive Creativity.
M.A. Runco and G. Dow, Problem Finding.
R.E. Mayer, Problem Solving.
M.J. Morelock and D.H. Feldman, Prodigies.
R. Root-Bernstein, Productivity and Age.
S.J. Parnes, Programs and Courses in Creativity.
A.N. Katz, Psycholinguistics.
A. Goswami, Quantum Theory of Creativity.
D. Schuldberg and L.A. Sass, Schizophrenia.
L. Deschamps Otswald, Schumann, Robert.
K. Dunbar, Science.
M.A. Runco, Self-Actualization.
P. Wink, Self Processes and Creativity.
C.L. Diaz de Chumaceiro, Serendipity.
C. Sanguinetti and S. Kavaler-Adler, Sexton, Anne.
D.K. Simonton, Shakespeare, William.
L. Tahir, Shaw, George Bernard.
J. Bogen and G.M. Bogen, Split Brains: Interhemispheric Exchange in Creativity.
J. Abra and G. Abra, Sports and Creativity.
D. Lester, Suicide.
J. Piirto, Synchronicity.
G. Domino, Synesthesia.
K. Rathunde, Systems Approach.
M.A. Runco, Tactics and Strategies for Creativity.
M.K. Raina, Tagore, Rabindranath.
J. Feldhusen, Talent and Creativity.
R.E. Ripple, Teaching Creativity.
G.J. Puccio, Teams.
P.M. Valkenburg, Television and Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Time.
D. Pariser, Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de.
L. Noppe, Unconscious.
R. Brower, van Gogh, Vincent.
N. Gajdamaschko, Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich.
S.M. Reis, Women and Creativity.
M. Ippolito, Woolf, Virgina.
L.R. Jeffrey, Wordsworth, William.
P.L. Jakab, Wright, Wilbur and Orville.
S.R. Pritzker, Writing and Creativity.
L. Shlain, Zeitgeist.
S.R. Pritzker, Zen.
M.A. Runco, Appendix I: Chronology of Events and Significant Ideas and Works on Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Appendix II: Tests of Creativity.
Name Index.
Subject Index.
The Encyclopedia of Creativity is the sourcebook for individuals seeking specialized information about creativity and motivation. Subjects include theories of creativity, techniques for enhancing creativity, individuals who have made significant contributions to creativity, physiological aspects of creativity, and virtually any topic that touches upon the subject. Entries are placed in alphabetical order with cross-references to other topics and entries where appropriate. Each entry is written in simple easy-to-understand terms summarizing the most important aspects of creative research and writing relating to the specific topic. A bibliography in the back of each article suggests additional sources for more information. The text is visually enhanced throughout by illustrations and photographs.
Key - A source-book of specialized information about creativity and motivation
- Includes virtually any topic dealing with creativity
- Entries are placed in alphabetical order with cross-references
- Written in easy-to-understand terms
- Illustrations and photographs throughout
- Contains select biographies of internationally renowned creative individuals from throughout history
Review quote:
"The text itself is a wealth of informationthe "everything you wanted to know about creativity"-contributed by anyone who is anybody in the field-a sort of Who's Who of creativity studies... As can be seen, the editors have gone to great extremes to make the contents of the encyclopedia unrivaledboth in size and content... In sum, Encyclopedia of Creativity is an impressive work by any standard. We warmly recommend this tour de force publication. It is a must for every university library and it would be the pride of the private library of any scholar."
"The Encyclopedia of Creativity is a highly impressive, collaborative achievement... The wide range of topics are aptly chosen and deftly interwoven by means of extensive cross-referencing and indexing... Unprecedented in breadth and scope, the Encyclopedia of Creativity decisively establishes creativity as an important field in its own right... this work is a resounding success, and decisively establishes creativity as an important multidisciplinary field... Congratulations to the editors, the Executive Advisory Board, and the contributing authors!"
"...this encyclopedia represents a useful effort to bring together research on creativity and will serve undergraduate and graduate students well."
"The stated purpose of the books is to 'inspire further recognition in both the general public and the academic community that the study of creativity is a field in itself' and that 'Enough is now known about creativity that it can be integrated into every level of our educational system' (p.xv). These two volumes certainly should go a long way towards these goals. Whithin them should be something to catch the interests of nearly any reader with a curious mind, the person who is specifically interested in the topic of creativity, and even the casual browser wishing to become better informed about his how thought and that of others."
Table of contents:
J. Nemiro, Acting.
L.M. Cohen and D. Ambrose, Adaptation and Creativity.
S.E. Moriarty and B.A. Robbs, Advertising.
R. Richards, Affective Disorders.
B. Levy and E. Langer, Aging.
S.R. Pritzker, Alcohol and Creativity.
S. Krippner, Altered and Transitional States.
M.D. Mumford and P.P. Porter, Analogies.
S.Z. Dudek, Architecture, Modern Western.
E. Taylor, Archival Investigation.
S.Z. Dudek, Art and Aesthetics.
C. Martindale, Art and Artists.
A. Rothenberg, Articulation.
T. Proctor, Artificial Intelligence.
D. Fasko, Jr., Associative Theory.
G. Toplyn, Attention.
J. Kasof, Attribution and Creativity.
G.J. Feist, Autonomy and Independence.
G.A. Davis, Barriers to Creativity and Creative Attitudes.
R. Epstein and G. Laptosky, Behavioral Approaches to Creativity.
M.E. Gorman, Bell, Alexander Graham.
F.J. Sulloway, Birth Order.
N. Jausovec, Brain Biology and Brain Functioning.
K.H. Pribram, Brain and the Creative Act.
T. Rickards, Brainstorming.
J. VanTassel-Baska, Brontë Sisters.
C.M. Ford, Business Strategy.
D. Morrison, Carroll, Lewis.
P. Machotka, Cezanne, Paul.
D. Schuldberg, Chaos Theory and Creativity.
O. Martinsen and G. Kaufmann, Cognitive Style and Creativity.
J. Abra and G. Abra, Collaboration and Competition.
T.I. Lubart, Componential Models.
T. Proctor, Computer Programs.
J. Dacey, Concepts of Creativity: A History.
D.M. Harrington, Conditions and Settings/Environment.
K.M. Sheldon, Conformity.
B.A. Hennessey and T.M. Amabile, Consensual Assessment.
R.R. McCrae, Consistency of Creativity across the Life Span.
M.A. Runco, Contrarianism.
D.A. Pariser, Conventionality.
C.M. Ford, Corporate Culture.
D.K. Carson, Counseling.
G. Ekvall, Creative Climate.
K. O'Quin and S.P. Besemer, Creative Products.
B. Cramond, Creativity in the Future.
M.L. Grisanti and H.E. Gruber, Creativity in the Moral Domain.
I. Magyari-Beck, Creatology.
R. Brower, Crime and Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Critical Thinking.
M.K. Raina, Cross-Cultural Differences.
B.J. Thurston, Curie, Marie Sklodowska.
J.B. Alter, Dance and Creativity.
R.B. McLaren, Dark Side of Creativity.
R. T. Keegan, Darwin, Charles Robert.
L. Shlain, da Vinci, Leonardo.
A.J. Cropley, Definitions of Creativity.
G. Goldschmidt, Design.
M.A. Runco, Developmental Trends in Creative Abilities and Potentials.
J.A. Plucker and M.A. Runco, Deviance.
B. Yan and P. Arlin, Dialectical Thinking: Implications for Creative Thinking.
S.L. Morrison, Dinesen, Isak.
R. Root-Bernstein, Discovery.
H.J. Walberg and G. Arian, Distribution of Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Divergent Thinking.
G.B. Esquivel and K.M. Peters, Diversity, Cultural.
J. Baer, Domains of Creativity.
S. Krippner, Dreams and Creativity.
J.A. Plucker and R.Q. Dana, Drugs and Creativity.
D.J. Weeks and K. Ward, Eccentricity.
T.I. Lubart and M.A. Runco, Economic Perspective on Creativity.
A.J. Cropley, Education.
A.I. Miller, Einstein, Albert.
D.K. Simonton, Eminence.
S.W. Russ, Emotion/Affect.
J.A. Plucker and M.A. Runco, Enhancement of Creativity.
S.K. Sagarin and H.E. Gruber, Ensemble of Metaphor.
R. Richards, Everyday Creativity.
H.E. Gruber, Evolving Systems Approach.
K.A. Ericsson and A.C. Lehmann, Expertise.
B. Kerr and C. Chopp, Families and Creativity.
R. Richards, Five-Part Typology.
R.A. Dodds and S.M. Smith, Fixation.
B.J. Thurston and M.A. Runco, Flexibility.
R. Richards, Four Ps of Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Fourth Grade Slump.
A.C. Elms, Freud, Sigmund.
J. Baer, Gender Differences.
R. Epstein, Generativity Theory.
C. Martindale, Genetics.
J.F. Feldhusen, Giftedness and Creativity.
P.B. Paulus, Group Creativity.
W.B. Michael, Guilford's View.
W.D. TenHouten, Handwriting and Creativity.
M.D. Mumford and D.G. Norris, Heuristics.
D.K. Simonton, Historiometry.
C. Martindale, History and Creativity.
A.G. Rothenberg, Homospatial Process.
A.G. Aleinikov, Humane Creativity.
K. O'Quin and P. Derks, Humor.
J.C. Houtz and C. Patricola, Imagery.
J.L. Singer, Imagination.
M.A. Runco, Implicit Theories.
R.K. Sawyer, Improvisation.
S.M. Smith and R.A. Dodds, Incubation.
M.A. West and T. Rickards, Innovation.
R.J. Sternberg and J.E. Davidson, Insight.
R. Helson, Institute of Personality Assessment and Research.
R.J. Sternberg, Intelligence.
E. Policastro, Intuition.
M. Hertz, Invention.
A. Rothenberg, Janusian Process.
K. Jones, Jungian Theory.
T.E. Scott, Knowledge.
F.L. Holmes, Krebs, Hans Adolf.
M.D. Mumford and M.S. Connelly, Leadership.
L.A. O'Hara and R.J. Sternberg, Learning Styles.
P.N. Johnson-Laird, Logic and Reasoning.
R.F. Subotnik and K.D. Arnold, Longitudinal Studies.
S.D. Durrenberger, Mad Genius Controversy.
M. Dogan, Marginality.
D.K. Simonton, Matthew Effects.
E. Necka, Memory and Creativity.
N. Jausovec, Metacognition.
R.W. Gibbs, Jr., Metaphors.
M.C. Moldoveanu and E. Langer, Mindfulness.
M.A. Runco, Misjudgment.
E.R. Hirt, Mood.
R. Conti and T. Amabile, Motivation/Drive.
A. Ione, Multiple Discovery.
B. Solomon, K. Powell, and H. Gardner, Multiple Intelligences.
M. Leman, Music.
P.D. Stokes, Novelty.
T. Zausner, O'Keeffe, Georgia.
M.S. Lindauer, Old Age Style.
T. Rickards, Organizations Interested in Creativity.
M.M. Piechowski, Overexcitabilities.
T. Nickles, Paradigm Shifts.
G.J.W. Smith, Perceptgenesis.
G.C. Cupchik, Perception and Creativity.
R. Helson, Personality.
M.A. Runco, Perspectives.
B.D. Esgalhado, Pessoa, Fernando.
H.E. Gruber, Piaget, Jean.
D. Lester, Plath, Sylvia.
J.L. Dansky, Play.
J. Piirto, Poetry.
J.A. Seitz, Political Science and Creativity.
G.R. Brown, Postmodernism and Creativity.
T.E. Heinzen, Proactive Creativity.
M.A. Runco and G. Dow, Problem Finding.
R.E. Mayer, Problem Solving.
M.J. Morelock and D.H. Feldman, Prodigies.
R. Root-Bernstein, Productivity and Age.
S.J. Parnes, Programs and Courses in Creativity.
A.N. Katz, Psycholinguistics.
A. Goswami, Quantum Theory of Creativity.
D. Schuldberg and L.A. Sass, Schizophrenia.
L. Deschamps Otswald, Schumann, Robert.
K. Dunbar, Science.
M.A. Runco, Self-Actualization.
P. Wink, Self Processes and Creativity.
C.L. Diaz de Chumaceiro, Serendipity.
C. Sanguinetti and S. Kavaler-Adler, Sexton, Anne.
D.K. Simonton, Shakespeare, William.
L. Tahir, Shaw, George Bernard.
J. Bogen and G.M. Bogen, Split Brains: Interhemispheric Exchange in Creativity.
J. Abra and G. Abra, Sports and Creativity.
D. Lester, Suicide.
J. Piirto, Synchronicity.
G. Domino, Synesthesia.
K. Rathunde, Systems Approach.
M.A. Runco, Tactics and Strategies for Creativity.
M.K. Raina, Tagore, Rabindranath.
J. Feldhusen, Talent and Creativity.
R.E. Ripple, Teaching Creativity.
G.J. Puccio, Teams.
P.M. Valkenburg, Television and Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Time.
D. Pariser, Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de.
L. Noppe, Unconscious.
R. Brower, van Gogh, Vincent.
N. Gajdamaschko, Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich.
S.M. Reis, Women and Creativity.
M. Ippolito, Woolf, Virgina.
L.R. Jeffrey, Wordsworth, William.
P.L. Jakab, Wright, Wilbur and Orville.
S.R. Pritzker, Writing and Creativity.
L. Shlain, Zeitgeist.
S.R. Pritzker, Zen.
M.A. Runco, Appendix I: Chronology of Events and Significant Ideas and Works on Creativity.
M.A. Runco, Appendix II: Tests of Creativity.
Name Index.
Subject Index.