Acton, John Emerich Dalberg; Aesthetics, Painting and Architecture; Anarchism; Anthony, Susan B.; Anti-Colonial Movements and Ideas; Arnold, Matthew; Austin, John; Babeuf, François; Bagehot, Walter; Bain, Alexander; Bakunin, Mikhail; Barrès, Maurice; Bauer, Bruno; Bax, Ernest Belfort; Bebel, Auguste; Bellamy, Edward; Bentham, Jeremy; Bergson, Henri; Bernstein, Eduard; Blanc, Louis; Blanqui, Louis; Boas, Frans; Bolivar, Simon; Bonald, Louis de; Booth, William; Bosanquet, Bernard; Bradlaugh, Charles; Bradley, F.H.; Brentano, Klemens; Brougham, Henry; Buckle, Henry; Burke, Edmund; Burkhardt, Jacob; Cabet, Etienne; Carlyle, Thomas; Carpenter, Edward; Chateaubriand, François; Chernyshevsky; Cieszkowski, August V.; Clausewitz, Karl; Cobbett, William; Cobden, Richard; Coleridge, S.T.; Combe, George; Comte, Auguste; Conservatism, Authority and Tradition; Considérant, Victor; Constant, Benjamin; Cousin, Victor; Croce, Benedetto; Culture and Popular Culture; Darwin, Charles; Darwinism and Social Darwinism; Democracy, Populism and Rights; Deroin, Jeanne; Dewey, John; Dicey, A.V.; Dilthey, Wilhelm; Disraeli, Benjamin; Durkheim, Emile; Early Socialism; Ellis, Havelock; Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Enfantin, Barthélemy; Fawcett, Millicent; Feminism and the Female Franchise Movement; Feuerbach, Ludwig; Fichte, Johann Gottlieb; Fourier, Charles; France, Antole; Freeman, Edward; Freud, Sigmund; Galton, Francis; Gandhi, Mahatma; Garibaldi, Giuseppe; Gobineau, Joseph; Godwin, William; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang v.; Gokhale, Gopal; Goldman, Emma; Gorky, Maxim; Green, T.H.; Guesde, Jules; Guizot, François; Hamilton, William; Harrison, Frederic; Hegel and Hegelianism; Heine, Heinrich; Herder, Johann-G.; Herzen, Alexander; Hess, Moses; Historiography and the Idea of Progress; Hobhouse, L.T.; Hobson, J.A.; Hugo, Victor; Humboldt, Alexander; Humboldt, Karl W. von; Huxley, T.H.; Hyndman, H.M.; Ideas of War and Peace; Imperialism and Empire; Indian Thought in the Nineteenth Century