This collection of essays lays bare cutting-edge ideas - and the ensuing dilemmas - in teacher education. Through the agency of "conversation" leading educational thinkers grapple with one another as they debate ideas within particular strands of teacher education knowledge, and pose provocative questions to the reader. This innovative design compels the reader to engage in and further the dialogue, and in doing so to contribute, situate, and examine his or her own position.
«Fiona J Benson and Caroline Riches are to be congratulated for the achievement of this engaging and important education text. These pages, drawing on leading teacher education researchers and practitioners, form conversation, reflection, and a call to action. The themes of this book explore the governance of teacher education, the landscape of existing programmes, the way in which the school practicum is pursued, the challenge of social justice as the objective and practice of teacher education, and ensuring sustainability through troubled and troubling futures. This is a text for all stakeholders in teacher education, not so much because it provides a blueprint for an ideal form of teacher education, but because it guides us in approaching the questions that confront us in preparing teachers with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to educate in and for new times.» (Roger Slee, Research Chair of Inclusive Education, Institute of Education, University of London)