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EJB 3.0 has simplified the programming model for Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) dramatically and introduced a new Java Persistance specification. In this new edition, we've updated Enterprise JavaBeans to deliver the latest need-to-know Java technologiesto you in the same award-winning fashion that drove the success of four previous strong-selling editions (over 150,000 copies in print).The book's fifth edition has been drastically overhauled for the latest specification of the Java programming language and provides everything you need to work with the eminent 3.0 standard. The authors' solid…mehr

EJB 3.0 has simplified the programming model for Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) dramatically and introduced a new Java Persistance specification. In this new edition, we've updated Enterprise JavaBeans to deliver the latest need-to-know Java technologiesto you in the same award-winning fashion that drove the success of four previous strong-selling editions (over 150,000 copies in print).The book's fifth edition has been drastically overhauled for the latest specification of the Java programming language and provides everything you need to work with the eminent 3.0 standard. The authors' solid grasp on the complexities of EJBs coupled with a succinct, easy-to-follow style and hundreds of clear, practical examples are the reason this book was voted "Best Java Book" by the editors and readers of Java Developer's Journal.
If you're up on the latest Java technologies, then you know that Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 is the hottest news in Java this year. In fact, EJB 3.0 is being hailed as the new standard of server-side business logic programming. And O'Reilly's award-winning book on EJB has been refreshed just in time to capitalize on the technology's latest rise in popularity.

This fifth edition, written by Bill Burke and Richard Monson-Haefel, has been updated to capture the very latest need-to-know Java technologies in the same award-winning fashion that drove the success of the previous four strong-selling editions. Bill Burke, Chief Architect at JBoss, Inc., represents the company on the EJB 3.0 and Java EE 5 specification committees. Richard Monson-Haefel is one of the world's leading experts on Enterprise Java.

Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, 5th Edition is organized into two parts: the technical manuscript followed by the JBoss workbook. The technical manuscript explains what EJB is, how it works, and when to use it. The JBoss workbook provides step-by-step instructions for installing, configuring, and running the examples from the manuscript on the JBoss 4.0 Application Server.

Although EJB makes application development much simpler, it's still a complex and ambitious technology that requires a great deal of time to study and master. But now, thanks to Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, 5th Edition, you can overcome the complexities of EJBs and learn from hundreds of practical examples that are large
enough to test key concepts but small enough to be taken apart and explained in the detail that you need. Now you can harness the complexity of EJB with just a single resource by your side.

Table of contents:
Part I. The EJB 3.0 Standard
1. Introduction
Server-Side Components
Persistence and Entity Beans
Asynchronous Messaging
Web Services
Titan Cruises: An Imaginary Business
What's Next?
2. Architectural Overview
The Entity Bean
The Enterprise Bean Component
Using Enterprise and Entity Beans
The Bean-Container Contract
3. Resource Management and Primary Services
Resource Management
Primary Services
What's Next?
4. Developing Your First Beans
Developing an Entity Bean
Developing a Session Bean
5. Persistence: EntityManager
Entities Are POJOs
Managed Versus Unmanaged Entities
Packaging a Persistence Unit
Obtaining an EntityManager
Interacting with an EntityManager
Resource Local Transactions
6. Mapping Persistent Objects
The Programming Model
Basic Relational Mapping
Primary Keys
Property Mappings
Multitable Mappings with @SecondaryTable
@Embedded Objects
7. Entity Relationships
The Seven Relationship Types
Mapping Collection-Based Relationships
Detached Entities and FetchType
8. Entity Inheritance
Single Table per Class Hierarchy
Table per Concrete Class
Table per Subclass
Mixing Strategies
Nonentity Base Classes
9. Queries and EJB QL
Query API
Native Queries
Named Queries
10. Entity Callbacks and Listeners
Callback Events
Callbacks on Entity Classes
Entity Listeners
11. Session Beans
The Stateless Session Bean
The Life Cycle of a Stateless Session Bean
The Stateful Session Bean
The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean
Stateful Session Beans and Extended Persistence Contexts
Nested Stateful Session Beans
12. Message-Driven Beans
JMS and Message-Driven Beans
JMS-Based Message-Driven Beans
The Life Cycle of a Message-Driven Bean
Connector-Based Message-Driven Beans
Message Linking
13. Timer Service
Titan's Maintenance Timer
Timer Service API
Stateless Session Bean Timers
Message-Driven Bean Timers
Final Words
14. The JNDI ENC and Injection
Reference and Injection Types
15. Interceptors
Intercepting Methods
Interceptors and Injection
Intercepting Life Cycle Events
Exception Handling
Interceptor Life Cycle
Bean Class @AroundInvoke Methods
Future Interceptor Improvements
16. Transactions
ACID Transactions
Declarative Transaction Management
Isolation and Database Locking
Nontransactional EJBs
Explicit Transaction Management
Exceptions and Transactions
Transactional Stateful Session Beans
Conversational Persistence Contexts
17. Security
Authentication and Identity
The RunAs Security Identity
Programmatic Security
18. EJB 3.0: Web Services Standards
Web Services Overview
XML Schema and XML Namespaces
SOAP 1.1
WSDL 1.1
UDDI 2.0
From Standards to Implementation
19. EJB 3.0 and Web Services
Accessing Web Services with JAX-RPC
Defining a Web Service with JAX-RPC
Using JAX-WS
Other Annotations and APIs
20. Java EE
JavaServer Pages
Web Components and EJB
Filling in the Gaps
Fitting the Pieces Together
21. EJB Design in the Real World
Predesign: Containers and Databases
Should You Use EJBs?
Wrapping Up
Part II. The JBoss Workbook
1. JBoss Installation and Configuration
About JBoss
Installing the JBoss Application Server
A Quick Look at JBoss Internals
Exercise Code Setup and Configuration
2. Exercises for Chapter 4
Exercise 4.1: Your First Beans with JBoss
Exercise 4.2: JNDI Binding with Annotations
Exercise 4.3: JNDI Binding with XML
3. Exercises for Chapter 5
Exercise 5.1: Interacting with EntityManager
Exercise 5.2: Standalone Persistence
4. Exercises for Chapter 6
Exercise 6.1: Basic Property Mappings
Exercise 6.2: @IdClass
Exercise 6.3: @EmbeddedId
Exercise 6.4: Multitable Mappings
Exercise 6.5: Embeddable Classes
5. Exercises for Chapter 7
Exercise 7.1: Cascading
Exercise 7.2: Inverse Relationships
Exercise 7.3: Lazy Initialization
6. Exercises for Chapter 8
Exercise 8.1: Single Table per Hierarchy
Exercise 8.2: Single Table per Hierarchy
Exercise 8.3: JOINED Inheritance Strategy
7. Exercises for Chapter 9
Exercise 9.1: Query and EJB QL Basics
Exercise 9.2: Native SQL Queries
8. Exercises for Chapter 10
Exercise 10.1: Entity Callbacks
Exercise 10.2: Entity Listeners
9. Exercises for Chapter 11
Exercise 11.1: Stateless Session Bean
Exercise 11.2: XML Override
Exercise 11.3: Annotationless Stateless Session Bean
Exercise 11.4: Stateful Session Bean
Exercise 11.5: Annotationless Stateful Session Bean
10. Exercises for Chapter 12
Exercise 12.1: The Message-Driven Bean
11. Exercises for Chapter 13
Exercise 13.1: EJB Timer Service
12. Exercises for Chapter 15
Exercise 15.1: EJB Interceptors
Exercise 15.2: Intercepting EJB Callbacks
13. Exercises for Chapter 16
Exercise 16.1: Conversational Persistence Contexts
14. Exercises for Chapter 17
Exercise 17.1: Security
Exercise 17.2: Securing Through XML
15. Exercises for Chapter 19
Exercise 19.1: Exposing a Stateless Bean
Exercise 19.2: Using a .NET Client
Part III. Appendix
Appendix:. JBoss Database Configuration
Bill Burke is the chief architect of JBoss Inc. and the co-author of the bundled JBoss 4.0 workbook in O'Reilly's EJB 4th Edition.

Richard Monson-Haefel is the author of Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd Edition, Java Message Service and one of the world's leading experts and book authors on Enterprise Java. He is the lead architect of OpenEJB, an open source EJB container used in Apple Computer's WebObjects plateform, and has consulted as an architect on J2EE, CORBA, Java RMI and other distributed computing projects over the past several years.
"Das Buch ist sowohl in Bezug auf Sprache als auch auf Inhalt sehr intuitiv aufgebaut. Es ist gut zu lesen, der Inhalt wird sehr ausführlich erklärt[...]. Für Einsteiger liefert Enterprise JavaBeans eine sehr gute Übersicht über das Thema EJBs. Die Beispiele sind sehr ausführlich und gut verständlich." - Universität Mannheim, Lehrstuhl für Softwaretechnik, März 2006