John Maloma recognizes the need to establish a
biblically sound concept of entrepreneurship and
determine whether this concept(entrepreneurship)
rather than welfare projects can assist the church
in her mission to reach our modern cities'
communities. The book does so by going deeper into
examining literature on biblical, theological and
socio-economic perspectives on entrepreneurship and
missions.In order to deepen our understanding about
the subject matter, the investigation touches on key
relevant concepts that impact directly on it,
namely; theological and ethical mandate for
stewardship, some relevant biblical passages and
cases, theological perspectives about cities, the
position and contribution of few selected authors on
poverty and the poor, the concept of unemployment,
transformational development and
entrepreneurship.The book is also aimed at creating
awareness amongst the churches and church leaders
about the growing levels of poverty and unemployment
in the cities, so as to stimulate entrepreneurial
and mission oriented interventions towards redress
of the situation.
biblically sound concept of entrepreneurship and
determine whether this concept(entrepreneurship)
rather than welfare projects can assist the church
in her mission to reach our modern cities'
communities. The book does so by going deeper into
examining literature on biblical, theological and
socio-economic perspectives on entrepreneurship and
missions.In order to deepen our understanding about
the subject matter, the investigation touches on key
relevant concepts that impact directly on it,
namely; theological and ethical mandate for
stewardship, some relevant biblical passages and
cases, theological perspectives about cities, the
position and contribution of few selected authors on
poverty and the poor, the concept of unemployment,
transformational development and
entrepreneurship.The book is also aimed at creating
awareness amongst the churches and church leaders
about the growing levels of poverty and unemployment
in the cities, so as to stimulate entrepreneurial
and mission oriented interventions towards redress
of the situation.