Modern agriculture significantly affects sustainable exploitation of natural environment being important factor for degradation of nature, and contributor for its restoration, conservation and improvement. Book applies interdisciplinary approach and suggests holistic framework for analysing, assessment and improvement of environmental management in agriculture; analyses evolution of system of agro-eco-management in Bulgaria (institutions; private, market, public & hybrid forms) during post-communist transition and EU integration; identifies and assesses forms, factors, efficiency and perspectives of environmental management in Bulgarian "eco-active" farms; assesses impacts of the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear accident on Japanese agriculture, and process of post-disaster restoration and organisational, institutional and technological adaptation. Book would be helpful for wide range of readers (researchers, educators, students, experts, farmers, businessmen, civil servants, policy makers, interest groups, non-governmental and international organisations, interested individuals) who are involved or want to understand environmental management in agriculture.