Danny Weyns, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium / H. Van Dyke Parunak, NewVectors LLC, Ann Arbor, USA / Fabien Michel, Université de Reims, France
Models, Architecture, and Design.- A Reference Architecture for Situated Multiagent Systems.- A Unified Model for Physical and Social Environments.- Exploiting the Environment for Coordinating Agent Intentions.- CArtA gO: A Framework for Prototyping Artifact-Based Environments in MAS.- Mediated Interaction and Stigmery.- Environment as Active Support of Interaction.- Environmental Support for Tag Interactions.- Cognitive Stigmergy: Towards a Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts.- Trace Signals: The Meanings of Stigmergy.- Regulation Function of the Environment in Agent-Based Simulation.- Governing Environment.- Establishing Global Properties of Multi-Agent Systems Via Local Laws.- E4MAS Through Electronic Institutions.- Spatially Distributed Normative Infrastructure.- Enhancing the Environment with a Law-Governed Service for Monitoring and Enforcing Behavior in Open Multi-Agent Systems.- Applications.- Urban Traffic Control with Co-Fields.- Designing Self-organising MAS Environments: The Collective Sort Case.