Ergonomics is the scientific discipline in charge of creating an effective and efficient human-machine interaction, also considering factors such as safety and comfort.Today the laparoscopic approach is the standard for many surgical procedures mainly due to its benefits for the patient, however, poor training in ergonomic technique has been associated with an increase in musculoskeletal disorders for surgeons. Factors such as surgical experience, sex, size and BMI of the patient, among others, have been postulated as determinant elements in the appearance of injuries. On the other hand, there are adjustments that can be made in the operating room to reduce the ergonomic stress of the surgical team, although they are often unknown to the latter. Robotic surgery was initially postulated as a solution to ergonomic deficits, but it has been observed that there are also injuries associated with this approach.Ergonomic training is important, which can be easy to implement and can improve the surgeon's health and potentially the results of the procedure.