This compassionate novel depicts the disrupted lives of Greta and her daughter Lily, forced to abruptly relocate due to the unendurable violent behaviour of Pat, Greta's volatile, alcoholic husband. Their move lands mother and daughter in the rural Australian town of Woodshine - a new beginning offering hope after trauma's storm. Yet forward is the only direction, Lily just five years old. A tranquil childhood shattered, she grapples beyond her years while still cradling stuffed toys at bedtime, seeking security. Greta battles exhaustion from hypervigilance, longing to banish bad dreams. Their refuge in Woodshine brings peace step by step - a gentle landlord, good-hearted townsfolk and possibility breathing optimism into each new day. As Lily plays in grassy meadows under boundless skies, glimmers emerge that broken spirits can mend. While the indelible scars remain, maybe here they can continue writing their story without fear at the helm. Just maybe this move marks the start of budding happiness taking root for not just survival - but life thriving in the sunshine.
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