People often face enormous difficulties to harness their skills in vocabulary. They learn every single word and try to remember. Unfortunately, this process of learning is not helpful since they forget most of the words after a few days. However, if they can learn word roots, prefixes and suffixes then it would be immensely helpful for them to harness their vocabulary skill as they don't have to remember lots of words at all. So we have listed three tables for the essential word roots, prefixes and suffixes along with their meaning as well as some examples. There are also some words which sound or look similar, even their root might be the same. However, their meanings are completely different. These we call 'confusing words'. In this book, there is also a collection of common 'confusing words' that would be challenging to readers and writers but very indispensable for learning and competitive exams like GRE, SAT, GMAT, IELTS and TOEFL. This book can be used for self-study or as supplementary for competitive examinations. In particular, the structure and content will assist readers who do not wish to memorize thousands of words and try to avoid common mistakes in confusing words.