The late Professor Taylor A. Steeves served as the department head for many years of the Biology Department at the University of Saskatchewan. He received his PhD from Harvard University. Professor Steeves passed away in 2011. Vipen K. Sawhney is Professor Emeritus and former Head of the Biology Department at the University of Saskatchewan. He received his PhD from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Both Professors Steeves and Sawhney are internationally known developmental botanists and have received several awards including the Lawson medal from the Canadian Botanical Association, and Master Teacher Award from the University of Saskatchewan.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Plant Cell
Chapter 3. The Flower
Chapter 4. Reproduction
Chapter 5. Embryo, Seed and Fruit development
Chapter 6. Shoot morphology and development
Chapter 7. Cells and Tissues
Chapter 8. Tissues of the stem
Chapter 9. The Leaf
Chapter 10. The Root
Chapter 11. The Secondary body