This book on the Essentials of Investment Analysis and Planning is carefully designed to improve on the investment management skills of all Finance Managers, Entrepreneurs, Financial Advisors and those working in the financial management sector. Good financial management is the key to success for all business ventures. This book is suitable to help both the undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of finance. This book offers diversity in terms of contemporary finance theory and practice. It serves as a very useful tool in the handling of investment planning problems, in both finance and other sectors. Financial Management is the life-blood of every organization. It is recommended to all those involved in the management of finance, as well as finance students and professionals. The book contains essential investment analysis and planning exercises, it provides investment decision rules, to be followed by readers in the event of investment decision making, geared towards profitability. It is a contemporary book for all those involved in the finance sector. It would be very helpful to all finance professionals, both finance managers and other finance workers.