Ethno-Vety medicine (EVM) has been fueled by the world wide ecological crisis in recent era. It is now recognized that, ancient people have managed their livelihood in which they have lived for generations, without damaging surroundings. Livestock, wildlife & human health have been worst affected through the changed nature. Hence in India, alternatives for critical & costly modern tech. used in animal health care are traditional ITK practices or so named EVM. The Book has aimed at advocating strategies for higher adoption of ITKs & their blended tech. in Vety. practices. So, this study envisaged finding EVM practices available in forest fringe areas of WB by studying socio-cultural features of EVM practitioners, collecting, documenting EVM practices existed in vety. with testing of scientific validity of such practices. The Book has formulated some recommendations based on clinical validation trial & subsequent monitoring of validated practices for wider diffusion of EVM. Since the study area was confined to high altitude tribal forest fringe areas of WB, facts of the book, therefore will be, applicable to such areas of similar geo-climatic & socio-culturaal condition exists.