The present study reveals 106 trees species of Disrict Abbottabd. 53 Trees species were found to be of medicinal importance, used to treat various ailments. These are used either alone or in combination with other plants. The study explores several new recipes, not reported in literature. The present study shows that District Abbottabad is home to a vast diversity of medicinal trees. Despite a gradual sociocultural transformation, local communities still possess substantial knowledge of plants and their uses. The reliance on folk medicines for healthcare is associated with the lack of modern medicines and medication, poverty and traditional belief in their effectiveness. Since there is a complete lack of phytotherapeutic evidence for many of the species, it is recommended that phytochemical and pharmacological studies be carried out in order to confirm the validity of properties attributed to these species. The study suggests tree species of economic importance, including fuelwood, timber yielding, erosion control, shade producing, edible fruits, vegetable species, hedging and fencing, making agriculture appliances and other uses.