"Eugene O'Neill's 'Long Day's Journey into Night': A Reader's Companion" is designed to assist the student as well as the scholar in studying this venerated American play. The book includes an introduction to "Journey" and O'Neill's work in general; a listing of all of O'Neill's plays, in addition to a chronology of his life and work; a timeline of significant historical and cultural events during the year in which "Journey" was written; a synopsis of the action of "Journey"; an analysis of the play's characters; explanatory notes to the text to accompany any reading of "Journey"; an essay comparing the play to both "She Stoops to Conquer" and dream plays; a listing of major theatrical productions and film adaptations of "Journey"; production reviews of play and film versions of "Journey"; and a bibliographical listing of articles and books on the play as well as a critical bibliography of "Journey". In sum, "Eugene O'Neill's 'Long Day's Journey into Night': A Reader's Companion"is an indispensable guide to the social, biographical, and artistic context of what is surely one of the greatest American dramas written to date.