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In the human rights field, 2010 was a year both of continuity and reform: from the 10th anniversary of the European Charter on Fundamental Rights and the quickening pace of the EU's accession to the European Convention on Human Rights to the reform of the Human Rights Council. Defining and discussing key developments in human rights in Europe and in the world, the third edition of the European Yearbook on Human Rights brings together 33 contributions by renowned human rights experts that provide a much needed overview and much sought after analysis. Edited jointly by representatives of four…mehr

In the human rights field, 2010 was a year both of continuity and reform: from the 10th anniversary of the European Charter on Fundamental Rights and the quickening pace of the EU's accession to the European Convention on Human Rights to the reform of the Human Rights Council. Defining and discussing key developments in human rights in Europe and in the world, the third edition of the European Yearbook on Human Rights brings together 33 contributions by renowned human rights experts that provide a much needed overview and much sought after analysis. Edited jointly by representatives of four major European human rights re-search, teaching and training institutions, the Yearbook 2011 contains extensive sections on developments in the field of the three main organizations charged with securing human rights in Europe: EU, Council of Europe and OSCE. A further chapter contains contributions on the role of civil society in human rights protection and on cross-cutting topics.Holistic inits approach, but detailed in its analyses, the European Yearbook on Human Rights 2011 provides its readers with a comprehensive overview of the human rights Situation in Europe in 2010. The impressive array of authors - academics and diplomats, practitioners and human rights experts - makes the book essential reading for anyone interested in human rights in Europe and beyond.2010 steht gleichermaßen für Kontinuität und Reform: vom zehnten Jahrestag der Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK) sowie dem beschleunigten Beitritt der EU zur EMRK bis zum UN-Menschenrechtsrat.Die zentralen Probleme der Menschenrechte in Europa zu erfassen und zu diskutieren ist zentrales Anliegen dieses nun schon in 3. Auflage erschienenen Werks, das mit nunmehr 33 Abhandlungen einen umfassenden Überblick über alle Facetten des Themas bietet.Die gemeinsame Herausgabe dieses Bands durch die Leiter von vier bedeutenden Forschungs-, Lehr- und Ausbildungsinstitutionen bringt einen tiefgreifenden Einblick in die drei wesentlichen europäischen Institutionen zur Wahrung der Menschenrechte: EU, Europarat und OSCE. Ein weiteres Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft bei der Wahrung der Menschenrechte und anderer Querschnittsthemen.Ganzheitlich im Zugang, aber detailliert in der Analyse, gibt das Jahrbuch Menschenrechte dem Leser einen umfangreichen Überblick über die Menschenrechtssituation in Europa.Die beeindruckende Autorenschar dieses Werks - Wissenschaftler, Diplomaten, Praktiker und Menschenrechtsexperten - macht das Buch zum "Must" für jeden an den Menschenrechten Interessierten. In englischer Sprache.Editors: Wolfgang Benedek (European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy - ETC, University of Graz), Florence Benoît-Rohmer (European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation - EIUC, Venice), Wolfram Karl (Austrian Institute for Human Rights - OIM, University of Salzburg), Manfred Nowak (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights - BIM, University of Vienna). Asso¬ciate Editor: Matthias C. Kettemann (University of Graz)