Arayik Sargsyan is a practicing physician who has
devoted many years of research work to implementation
of family medicine in Armenia.In his research paper
he summarizes and justifies the efforts to implement
family medicine in Armenia in order to create
effective primary healthcare system and to improve
the quality of provided healthcare serviecs. While
working in healthcare project of USAID in Armenia he
simultaneously carried research activities earning
his Masters Degree in Public Health.
Author suggests to create an effective system to
measure the sustainability of family physicians'
knowledge gained after retraining. He proposes to
deepen the knowledge of family physicians and to
widen the scope of activities done in outpatient
clinics in order to facilitate easy access to
outpatient clinics and to save the time of narrow
devoted many years of research work to implementation
of family medicine in Armenia.In his research paper
he summarizes and justifies the efforts to implement
family medicine in Armenia in order to create
effective primary healthcare system and to improve
the quality of provided healthcare serviecs. While
working in healthcare project of USAID in Armenia he
simultaneously carried research activities earning
his Masters Degree in Public Health.
Author suggests to create an effective system to
measure the sustainability of family physicians'
knowledge gained after retraining. He proposes to
deepen the knowledge of family physicians and to
widen the scope of activities done in outpatient
clinics in order to facilitate easy access to
outpatient clinics and to save the time of narrow