Wetlands are the biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem and are known as kidneys of our Earth. Globally these ecotones are considered as the most productive natural ecosystems on the earth. They provide the most valuable services for livelihood by performing an array of important functions, such, as flood control, food production, water purification (through macrophytes, oysters etc), climate regulation, providing habitats for fishes and birds etc.. However, mismanagement and overexploitation of the resources have destabilized these fragile ecosystem raising problems like shrinkage of surface area, poor quality of water causing eutrophication etc. This is all due to the necessity to fulfil the human need for pure water. So, the physico-chemical properties of water should be checked regularly, which would provide the, basis, for judging its health and its, suitability, for different uses. Keeping in view of, the, above facts, an attempt has, been, made, to, evaluate the physico-chemical properties of water with special reference to Bhoj Wetland, India. Madhya Pradesh.