In every human society, disputes are inevitable. This fact transcends the minute units of social interaction to the realms of international relations where countries, transnational bodies and individuals of different nationalities engage in mutual dealings. In the course of such relations, the tendencies of disputes arising cannot be erased. Hence, this paper appraises the use of self-approach mechanisms to resolve such disputes without necessarily resorting to the traditional method of resolving conflicts - litigation. The author, with the aid of historical facts and events, traced the gradual evolution of international alternative dispute resolution (ADR) through the distant blurry past of ancient times right up to the present day where it has gained prominence in international dispute resolution. Pointing fingers on diverse provisions of international charters, treaties and conventions, the author cast a stern gaze on various alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms that suffices to settle differences in the course of international relations. It further dwelled on the efficacy of such alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms by citing different instances.