This book is consisted of 7 chapters. Except
preface, introduction to the Competing Values
Framework and the close words, the rest four
chapters are actually four separated studies based
on Competing Values Framework. In spite of the
separating, they all have the same purpose to
evaluate the managerial competences of China
mainland managers whether they work in private or
public sectors. Chapter 1 is the introduction that
introduces why I write this book. Chapter 2 offers
us a managerial competence evaluation instrument
that will be used in this book. Chapter 3 explores
the phenomenon that the managers with no China
mainland backgrounds often manage more efficiently
and effectively than those China mainland
counterparts. I try to find why the non-mainland
managers use the 24 managerial competences
more efficiently than the China mainland ones in
chapter 4. Chapter 5 focuses on how the Chinese
public leaders and their subordinate public servants
perceive the latter s managerial competences. In
chapter 6, managerial competences of the local
government leaders have been evaluated. Chapter 7 is
a short conclusion to the book.
preface, introduction to the Competing Values
Framework and the close words, the rest four
chapters are actually four separated studies based
on Competing Values Framework. In spite of the
separating, they all have the same purpose to
evaluate the managerial competences of China
mainland managers whether they work in private or
public sectors. Chapter 1 is the introduction that
introduces why I write this book. Chapter 2 offers
us a managerial competence evaluation instrument
that will be used in this book. Chapter 3 explores
the phenomenon that the managers with no China
mainland backgrounds often manage more efficiently
and effectively than those China mainland
counterparts. I try to find why the non-mainland
managers use the 24 managerial competences
more efficiently than the China mainland ones in
chapter 4. Chapter 5 focuses on how the Chinese
public leaders and their subordinate public servants
perceive the latter s managerial competences. In
chapter 6, managerial competences of the local
government leaders have been evaluated. Chapter 7 is
a short conclusion to the book.