This book expands previous work of Giberson, Resick, Dickson, Mitchelson, Randall, and Clark (2009), Zhang, Tsui, Song, & Jia (2008), and Tsui, Zhang, Wang, Xin, and Wu (2006) by examining higher education organizational culture and leadership. There is a paucity of research in examining the relationships between university mid-level leader (Deans) personality traits and cultural values. The study focus was designed to address this lack of research by examining university cultural values and evaluating linkages with mid-level leaders' traits. Linkages between leadership traits and cultural values were examined through utilization of the following frameworks: the competing values model by Cameron, Quinn, DeGraff, and Thakor (2006) and the Big Five by Goldberg (1992). Specific hypotheses were developed and tested regarding relationships between mid-level leader personality traits and cultural values shared among organization members.