Both Megha Jain and Aishwarya Nagpal are Senior Research Scholars, pursuing research from Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi in the areas of Economics and Finance. Both have graduated from Shri Ram College of Commerce (One of the Asia's premiere colleges). Both have professional experience in teaching at University of Delhi. Ms. Jain is currently teaching at University of Delhi as an Assistant Professor. Both have done Masters from University of Delhi in Finance and Commerce. Together they have participated in several international conferences where they have been bestowed with 'Best Paper Awards' and Cash prizes. They are columnists to different Indian local newspapers. Their opinion editions include macroeconomic social issues, financial reforms and other diverse topics. They both have several research papers to their credit, indexed at ABDC, Scopus, Sage, Emerald UK, IGI, Springer, UGC, ICI, J-Gate, Google Scholar, etc.