In Nigeria and indeed other third world countries, greater percentage of the people still live in rural areas. It is perhaps for this reason that it is now being advocated that in such countries, particular attention must be paid to the rural areas in any development strategy if there is to be any noticeable general national development. Traditional folk media which should provide an effective tool for dealing with development problems in rural areas has not been properly articulated in the mainstream development process. Hence attempts at communicating modern scientific and technological information to the rural people on rural development often result in the failure of such projects. This book grows out of my desire to review the concepts of development communication from current to emerging trend of rural development in oil producing communities in Nigeria, There are five chapters in this book. Chapter one introduces the concepts, objectives, the problem, while Chapter two andthree present literature review and methods for this study. Chapter four and five present data presentation and analysis and summary of the work. The book is recommended for underdeveloped countries.