Fracture of the penis is a uro-andrological emergency, occurring in most cases on an erect penis.This variation results in reduced resistance within the albuginea to sudden overpressure events, leading to rupture. The most frequently reported aetiology is the coite faux pas, among many others.Diagnosis is clinical, and relies on a range of arguments gathered throughand physical examination (cracking, detumescence,hematoma, pain at the end, giving an aubergine-like appearance).hematuria, urethral involvement should be sought. Ultrasound is the first line of investigation, given its availability in emergency departments, followed by MRI and cavernography, depending on the author. Management should be as early as possible to avoid postoperative complications. It relies on surgery, with either a coronal incision that risks skin necrosis, or an elective incision that risks missing certain lesions.