This book aims to understand children's relationships with the media through readings on the themes of childhood and media and a field research. I present a brief dialogue between Merleau-Ponty (1990a, 1990b) and Manuel J. Sarmento (1997, 2003), seeking a phenomenological understanding of childhood in its singular manifestations, in its social and cultural aspects; approaching it as plurality, without preconceptions, which enables a differentiated look, without seeing it as "subjected" to adults, but considering its plurality and "polymorphous" characteristics. In relation to the media, the reading and reflection of the works by Melo and Tosta (2008), Belloni (2005), Martín-Barbero (2014, 2015), Freire (1977), and Arroyo and Silva (2012), contribute to the understanding of media-education contextualized to the technological products inserted into society and the school as a place of preparation for a critical reading of the media and the world, or educommunication. Finally, the authors Ludke and André (1986), Espósito (1993), and Bicudo (2011) guide the methodological choices and ground the analysis and interpretation of data.