The mindfulness course successfully combined mindfulness with body movement practices and was well received by all participants. The facilitators recognised the importance of the holistic nature of mindfulness as supposed to seeing Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) as a treatment or therapy intervention for clinical populations. Greeson (2009) holds a similar view and demonstrated practicing mindfulness meditation can have positive effects on the mind, the brain, the body and behaviour, promoting whole-person health and notes the importance of spirituality.Mindfulness has been recognised as a concept similar to memory and attention and is at a critical stage in research and lacks unity. This was the first qualitative (MBSR) study that explored healthy participants experiences from an experiential mindfulness-based group and therefore unique. I want to adapt the mindful eating practice a core concept of the mindfulness course with the body movement practices and promote healthy eating and exercise. An important feature of this study was its cultural perspective showing how mindfulness was seen as being for the elite classes in Greece.