The book is a travelogue based on the author's experiences and knowledge gained during the nature trail trip to Goa (2011). The book not only highlighted the rich cultural heritage of Goa but also it reveals the rich floral and faunal biodiversity of Goa. In fact, Goa is a tiny emerald State nestled in the Western Ghats of the Indian Peninsula which is one of the 34 Biodiversity hotspots in the world. The blue green waves of the Arabian Sea washing the verdant feet of Western Ghats amidst eye-catching brilliance and soft sparkle of lovely sands and bright Sun with the enchanting Sea Beaches of Goa where Sea, Land and Sky meet in harmony makes Goa a place of tranquility and a great tourists destination for visitors from all over the world. Nonetheless, the book may provide a new impetus to both researchers and nature loving students who could delve deeper into the rich cultural and natural heritage of Goa which is to be explored and discovered too.