Goat (Capra hircus) is known as the "poor man's cow" and its population in India accounts for 1/6th of the world's population. Goat is considered a multi-purpose domestic livestock species and provides significant contribution to the economy of the developing countries such as India. Approximately 20 goat breeds are present in India, which have wider phenotypic variations specifically related to body conformation and adaptation traits. In recent years there have been advancements in the research of disease resistance in goats. Evidence for host genetic variation in aspects of disease resistance, in all major domestic livestock species, and small ruminants are notable for the large number of diseases have been documented. Brucellosis was recognized as a clinical entity from the times of Crimean war. This disease was fully elucidated by Sir David Bruce, Hughes, and Zammit working in Malta. Bang discovered Brucella abortus, the cause of abortion in cattle and of brucellosis (undulant fever) in human beings.