This monograph treats classical complex analysis
problems considered for toric varieties. These
problems were originally posed and solved on complex
n-spaces; and they are very difficult if considered
for an arbitrary complex manifold.
The author describes the Hartogs and the
Hartogs-Bochner extension phenomena in smooth toric
varieties and their connection with the first
cohomology group with compact supports. The main
problem with compact sets, which appear in the
Hartogs phenomena, is that a compact set cut into a
particular coordinate patch does not have to remain
compact. Therefore, a global view of compact sets is
absolutely necessary for this problem. The
affirmative and negative results are proved using
topological, analytic, and algebraic methods. The
monograph is suitable for junior and senior
mathematicians interested in the theory of several
complex variables, toric varieties, and ends of
topological spaces.
problems considered for toric varieties. These
problems were originally posed and solved on complex
n-spaces; and they are very difficult if considered
for an arbitrary complex manifold.
The author describes the Hartogs and the
Hartogs-Bochner extension phenomena in smooth toric
varieties and their connection with the first
cohomology group with compact supports. The main
problem with compact sets, which appear in the
Hartogs phenomena, is that a compact set cut into a
particular coordinate patch does not have to remain
compact. Therefore, a global view of compact sets is
absolutely necessary for this problem. The
affirmative and negative results are proved using
topological, analytic, and algebraic methods. The
monograph is suitable for junior and senior
mathematicians interested in the theory of several
complex variables, toric varieties, and ends of
topological spaces.